There’s one big exemption to the concept
Once you have discovered the Transmogrifiers, there happens to be few primary rules about how the process works:You must be able to provide both the product you want to transmogrify to and the product whose overall look you want to Blade And Soul Gold from.You can only change the same kind of armour or device into the same kind of armour or device. So, for example, you cannot wear dish and look like you are dressed in fabric or have a main-hand device that looks like an off-hand device.There’s one big exemption to the concept above: bows, crossbows, and weapons can all transmogrified into bows, crossbows, or weapons. Predators rejoice!You cannot transmogrify products without statistics of any kind, though you can use their overall look to transmogrify other products.Some factors you cannot transmogrify to or from, like sportfishing posts and famous products. (Though there are some products that you will not know are not eligible until you try to transmogrify them.)Mailing, promoting, or placing products in gap storage eliminates the transmogrification.
Once you have used products for transmogrification, it becomes soulbound.Now you are prepared to transmogrify your way to excellent fashion! Be sure you are dressed in the wow gold whose overall look you would like to transmogrify and WOW Gold have the wow gold whose overall look you would like to use in your stock and talk with the Transmogrifier. The transmogification interface is very straightforward: just move the wow gold whose overall look you want to use on to the wow gold you have prepared. If there is any kind of problem — say you are trying to make a set helm look like a dish helm — a mistake concept will pop up enabling you to know what exactly is incorrect.Once you are done, click okay to accept the changes (and the associated fee) and then you are off to creating WoW style history! You can fall the products you used to transmogrify your wow gold secured or provide them — though if you provide them, you will not be able to use them to transmogrify more wow gold later on.