Early in the last one fourth

28/05/2013 10:57

We will also be driving the breeze expertise by driving the breeze mixture instead of bottles rage, which improves the destruction reward of the eye of the competition bottles. Doing double benefit, both the discharge of some public chilling time, and brought some intense when necessary. Mastery - driving the breeze mixture into the the inactive abilities obtained in the pre-upgrade procedure.
 Early in the last one fourth, we are concerned that the rush harm, we do not want to take Wind priests finish deficiency of explosiveness.
Again, we do not want to the death Diablo 3 Gold stability problems caused by the discharge of the period of the "Wrath of the Lich Master, but would ultimately be too traditional.
 The outcome is Monk PvP battle did not perform out the performance we want. Although we cut some capability to control other careers, but we think it is necessary to do some significant improvement of the priests, making them more likely to endure in PvP.